Welcome to HeartBeats for Therapists!

My name is Karyn Bristol, and I am a Certified EFT Therapist (Emotionally Focused Therapy) and Supervisor. As a supervisor, I was sending my supervisees a weekly EFT “tip” and then, based on feedback I received, I decided to put the tips “out there” so that they might be helpful to other therapists trying to learn the EFT model. And hence, HeartBeats for Therapists.

My intention here is to provide EFT therapists quick, useful tips to carry into the couples session, tips that you can tuck into your back pocket and use when you get stuck, tips that you can play and practice with as you learn and grow in the Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) model.

New to EFT? Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) is the fastest growing evidenced-based approach to treating relational distress in couples in the world. Developed by Dr. Sue Johnson, EFT is a respectful, warm, and scientifically proven method for getting underneath the everyday conflict, tension, or silent walls between partners to the deeply personal issues that lie at the heart of it all.

Please check out my website http://www.princetonpsychotherapy.com for more information about me and my private practice. And certainly if you are interested in supervision, don’t hesitate to contact me.

For more on EFT and/or Dr. Sue Johnson, please go to The International Centre for Excellence in EFT or Dr. Sue Johnson’s website http://www.drsuejohnson.com.

It also feels important to give a shout out to a a few EFT Certified Trainers who have been instrumental in my learning EFT. And that is putting it mildly. Their knowledge and support is unsurpassed, and their passion for EFT is infectious. Debi Scimeca-Diaz, President of the Emotionally Focused Therapy Center of NJ (www.eftcnj.com, where I am also a Founder and Vice President of Clinical Operations) was my introduction to EFT and my first supervisor. You can also find Debi at couplestherapynj.com.  Jim Thomas, (Colorado Center for EFT and at Engaging Therapy) has been my supervisor for years. Finally, Rebecca Jorgensen (Rebecca Jorgensen)–who I’ve never met–but whose online presence makes learning easy and accessible.

And of course, a thank you to all the wonderful and wise EFT therapists who add their voices to the EFT listserv discussions! (join The International Centre for Excellence in EFT at www.iceeft.com to be a part of the listserv.) I learn so much from all of you. Thanks for keeping the conversation going.


4 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Karyn,

    a respectful greeting from Germany. I’ve read all your posts and they are beautiful and very helpful. I hope you get the respect you deserve for this. Your precise, small nudges, hints and advices enrich my work. Thank you so much for this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ganga, Thanks so much for your interest. I can’t sign you up myself, but you can sign up by going to the very bottom of the page and clicking the “follow” button at the bottom.

      Have a wonderful day! 🙂


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